
Sunday, Sept. 8th -- 10:15am @ Burke Station Square Community Room (5820 Ridge Ford Drive)

As Eugene Peterson noted, the pastor’s Sunday morning invitation — “Let us worship God together” — is an incredibly subversive invitation. In a culture replete with all sorts of false gods, the invitation (and decision) to worship God forms us as a unique community.

This is particularly true for Anglicans, as we are deeply committed to a tradition of “common prayer.” And so we gather to worship on Sunday — to hear and learn and respond and participate, to pray and worship and receive the sacrament, to serve and to be sent.

Most Sundays, we gather to worship at the Woods Community Centre in Burke Centre at 10:15am. Our services generally last around one hour and fifteen minutes. This element of our life together is central to our formation and our identity, and is marked by liturgy, word, and sacrament, as well as congregational singing and a warm responsiveness to God and one another.

The Woods Community Center
10100 Wards Grove Cir, Burke, VA 22015


If you're interested in getting a taste of our pastor's preaching, you can listen to one of his sermons delivered at our sending church (Truro Anglican in Fairfax) below.